There will be times when you start a project only tolater realize it’s no longer the priority — or just don't have time, energy, and attention to complete it.
Momentum offers you three options for this scenario: you can (1) defer, (2) archive, or (3) delete it:
- If you defer a project it means you’re moving it to another timeframe, or point in the future when you might be able to get it done. In Momentum, this usually means moving that project or chunk to the next time horizon (i.e. from this month to next month, from week to week, or fromday to day).
- If you archive a project you likely have decided it isn't a priority now, and you want to put it on hiatus and clear it from your decks. Archiving lets you store the project and all its sub-projects or chunks, and at a later time revert that project to “active” status.
- If you delete a project, it’s just what you think: you eliminate it from your Momentum account for good. (That’s why we usually recommend deferring or archiving first.) But if you know a project isn’t close to ending, and continuing with it is adding more weight than letting it go would be.... deleting it may be the right call.
Here’s more detail on how you can do each of these steps in the Momentum app:
How to Defer a Project
If you know you don’t have time to work on a particular project this week, you can send it to next week. Once sent, you’ll see it pop up there when you hit that time period.
You can defer by clicking the “...” next to your project in your Quarterly, Monthly or Weekly overview section.

When you defer a project, you’ll automatically bereminded about its existence. You will see that project pop up again the next week (or in whatever time period you sent it to).
How to Archive a Project
Archiving a project means you don’t have to see it in your current planning. When you archive a project, you don’t have to think about it again until you want to.
The beauty of this feature is that the project is still saved. If you ever decide you want to come back to it at a future date, all you have to do is look in your ‘Archive.’
To archive your project, tap or click “...” next to the project title. (This will work the same at the weekly/ monthly or quarterly level.)

Clicking “Archive” immediately to an archive pane. You can find this at the bottom of your mobile app, or in the top right corner of your screen on desktop.

Rather than being deleted permanently, those projects will never be lost.
So next time you’re doing long-term planning, or find yourself in a period with more time to focus on new (or old) projects, you can go back and capture what ended up there.
In the meantime, you don’t have to see it, think about it, or stress about it.
How to Delete a Project
If that project you’ve just added — or one you added a while ago — is no longer relevant, you’ll want to delete it.
To delete a project, find the project in your quarterly, monthly, or weekly project list.

If you know it’s time to remove that project from your life, you're ready to hit delete.
(But remember, if it’s a project you might like to work on down the road, however, you might defer or archive it instead.)